Jodi Arias a woman who killed his ex boyfriend Travis Alexander is found guilty and could be sentenced for death penalty. Jodi was born on 9 July 1980 in Salinas, California. Her sunshine is cancer. She met Travis in a conference in Las Vegas. Slowly they developed feelings and were in relationship after few months only. But after few months of committed relationship the couple moved in their own way.
Suddenly Travis body was found in Mesa, Arizona Apartment by his friends. He was gun shot in head and stab 27 times in his body. Police soon arrested Jodi and started investigation initially Jodi said that they were attacked by two mask intruders they shot Travis and let her go free. The story was not clear police interrogated the matter more deeply and she said that Travis used to abuse her badly and as act of self defense she killed him. There is high chances that she faces death penalty. Its really a devastation for the families.